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Volume 1 Issue 7

December 2014

Post-Colonial Theme in Derek Walcott’s Poem “A Far Cry from Africa” — A Study
Mr. S. Ramesh, 
Assistant Professor, 
Department of English, 
Sethu Institute of Technology, 
Virudhunagar, , 
Colonialism began with the frequency of sailing. Portuguese were the first sea sailing community, which had the temerity to begin trade with the distant countries. Slowly they started exploiting the natives for their financial well-being and there originated the concept of colonies. The colonizers of the west dominated the natives in Asia and Africa with their power and occupied land, expanded their country. The native people were pushed to lead a slavish life. In Africa, the Europeans exploited the mines and rubber plantations, and above all their need for labourers was fulfilled by the slave trade initiated during those times. These black Africans were forcibly drafted from their native lands to the distant parts of American continent, and to the islands surrounding the American continent. Enslaved Africans lost their family, language, culture, respect and dignity. Derek Walcott is a poet, who laments continuously for the loss of their culture. The present study will try to collect the assimilated left over fragments of colonial masters after they left Africa due to the Second World War in Walcott’s “A Far Cry from Africa”.
Caribbean Literature; Post-Colonialism; Derek Walcott; “A Far Cry from Africa”.
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