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Volume 2 Issue 4

September 2015

Investigating the Interplay within Disciplines: Translation Studies and Sociology
Mr. Jahfar Sadiq, 
Department of Translation Studies, 
English and Foreign Languages University, 
Hyderabad, , 
The shift of the translation from linguistic turn to cultural turn itself marks the importance of sociological aspects meted by translation studies. Translation as a process encompassing the translator and product has its own effect in various ways of sociology deals with. That is how the inter-disciplinarily characteristic of translation studies and its deep relation with sociology get relevance. Any translation is necessarily embedded within social context and is undeniably carried out by individuals who belong to a social system; similarly the translation phenomenon is inevitably implicated in social institutions, which greatly determine the selection, production and distribution of translation and, as a result, the strategies adopted in translation itself. The social function and the socio-communicative value of a translation can best be located within the contact zone where the translated text and the various socially driven agencies meet.
Sociology; Translation; Field; Agency; Paratexts.
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