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Volume 2 Issue 11

October 2016

Dealing of Love, Wedding and Belief in the Writings of Khushwant Singh
Dr. M. Sikkandar Basha, 
Associate Professor , 
Department of English, 
Khadir Mohideen College, 
Adirampattinam, Thanjavur Dt., , 

Dr. A. Mohamed Mohideen, 
Associate Professor & Head, 
Department of English, 
Khadir Mohideen College, 
Adirampattinam, Thanjavur Dt., , 
The purpose of this research article is to focus on how Khushwant Singh deals love, sex and marriage with much candour and audacity. Moreover he touched almost all the aspects of society like he portrayed the exploitation of Indians by the British rulers. He also commented on the swiftly spreading superstitions in India. A vivid glimpse of the society is irresistibly fleshed in the novels of Khushwant Singh. It would not be wrong to call him an event recorder and a historian more than a novelist. He turned the reality of Indian history into novels and made it readable to present before the readers. The Sikh history also a proof of Mr. Singh’s being a historian. Mr. Singh writes whatever comes to his mind that is why his creative cosmos is noticeably his own.
Sikh; Love; History; Partition; Freedom.
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