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Volume 1 Issue 6

November 2014

"Black is Beautiful" - Acceptance and Endurance as Langston Hughes' Recommendations for Awakening
Dr. P. Padmini, 
Assistant Professor, 
Department of English, 
Ethiraj College for Women, 
Chennai, , 
Langston Hughes was one of the most renowned writers of Harlem Renaissance and a prominent Black writer to champion racial consciousness as a source of inspiration for black artists. Generally, people who rebel against any kind of discrimination and oppression, emphasize on “resistance” as a key concept. However, mere resistance does not change things. There are other two most important aspects which one needs to learn for the process of awakening. They are ‘acceptance” and “endurance”. Langston Hughes who is known for his realistic portrayals of black life in America describes the importance of acceptance and endurance in his poems. The paper attempts to explicate how flooded with pride in the African-American identity Langston Hughes’ poems emphasize that acceptance and endurance make the African Americans to laugh, eat and grow strong.
Acceptance; Endurance; Langston Hughes; Recommendations for Awakening.
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