Volume 3   Issue 2

July 2017

Table of Contents

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1.  Humanism and Self-Actualization in a Post-Apocalyptic World in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road

Ms. M.L. Eileen Brisha
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
1-10 PDF
2.  Amnesiac Selves: The Dilemma of Nostalgia and Dislocation in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland

Mr. R. Marshal
Researcher, Post Graduate and Research Department of English, Fatima Mata National College, Kollam, Kerala, India

Mr. S. Sree Hari
Lecturer, Department of English, Institute of Distance Education, University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
11-19 PDF
3.  The Image of Hunger in Sharankumar Limbale’s Akkarmashi (The Outcaste)

Ms. Ashly Thomas
Guest Lecturer, Department of English, Alphonsa College, Pala, Kottayam, Kerala, India
20-37 PDF
4.  Resilience of Dalit Literature: A Critical Assessment of Telugu Dalit Literature

Mr. K. Shiva Prasad
Post Graduate, Department of English, Palamoor University, Mahabub Nagar, , India
38-48 PDF
5.  A Study of Major Themes in Robert Frost’s Poems

Ms. M.E. Faridha Begum
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Thiru. Vi. Ka. Government Arts College, Thiruvarur, Thanjavur Dt., Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. A. Mohamed Mohideen
Principal and Head, PG & Research Department of English, Khadir Mohideen College,
Adirampattinam, Thanjavur Dt., Tamil Nadu, India
49-54 PDF
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