Welcome to Literary Quest
Literary Quest is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, monthly, online Journal of English language and literature. It is published by Progressive Publishers, located at the historical coastal town of Tranquebar, Tamilnadu, India. The town has a history of setting-up the first printing press and a paper mill in India by a German Christian Missionary, Bartholomus Zieganbalc. Tranquebar was a flourishing sea-port under Danish Colonization. The colonial imprint of Denmark is quite visible in the town.
Literary Quest encourages scholarly research in the field of English Language and Literature by providing an ideal platform for academicians, teachers and research scholars to publish research articles/papers, critical summaries and literary theories in the following areas of English language and literature:
British Literature
American Literature
Black Literature
African Literature
Indian Literature in English
Dalit Literature
Canadian Literature
Australian Literature
New Zealand Literature
Common Wealth Literature
World Literature in Translation
English Language Teaching
Translation Studies
Comparative Literature
Changing Trends in English Grammar
Shifting Tendencies in Spoken English
Certificate of Publication
A certificate of publication bearing the name of the author(s), photo(s) of the author(s), title of the article, ISSN, month & year of publication and volume & issue of publication will be sent to the author(s). Not more than one co-author is entertained. Certificate of Publication
- June-2014
- July-2014
- August-2014
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Progressive Publishers is a novice publishing enterprise located at Tranquebar, Tamilnadu, India. It primarily publishes university text-books for efficient English language learning and an online scholarly journal entitled Literary Quest. Its primary goal is to promote progressive, secular, socialist and egalitarian thoughts among academicians, researchers and students of English literature. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Social Justice are the ideals upon which the whole enterprise rests.