Call for Papers

Literary Quest: An International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access, Monthly, Online Journal of English Language and Literature invites research papers/articles, critical summaries and literary theories from academicians, research scholars/researchers and students in the field of English language and literature.

Deadlines for submission:

January issue 20th of December
February issue 20th of January
March issue 20th of February
April issue 20th of March
May issue 20th of April
June issue 20th of May
July issue 20th of June
August issue 20th of July
September issue 20th of August
October issue 20th of September
November issue 20th of October
December issue 20th of November

Certificate of Publication

A certificate of publication bearing the name of the author(s), photo(s) of the author(s), title of the article, ISSN, month & year of publication and volume & issue of publication will be sent to the author(s). Not more than one co-author is entertained. Certificate of Publication (click to view)

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About us

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Progressive Publishers is a novice publishing enterprise located at Tranquebar, Tamilnadu, India. It primarily publishes university text-books for efficient English language learning and an online scholarly journal entitled Literary Quest. Its primary goal is to promote progressive, secular, socialist and egalitarian thoughts among academicians, researchers and students of English literature. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Social Justice are the ideals upon which the whole enterprise rests.