Submission Guidelines
Format of the article
Authors are recommended to adhere to the 7th Edition of the MLA Handbook, for writing their articles. Authors are also advised to tag along the following format to write their articles.Authors can download the template of the article for exact and quicker guidance. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE
1.Title and subtitle:Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 14, Boldfaced; Alignment: Centered (Not all letters in upper case/ capital letters); and Line Spacing: 1.5
2. Author's or Authors' name(s) and institutional affiliation:
Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12, Boldfaced; Alignment: Centered (Not all letters in upper case/ capital letters); and Line Spacing: 1.5.
3. Every article must have an abstract of the article/ paper of about 100-150 words.
Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12; Alignment: Justified; and Line Spacing: 1.5
4. Abstract of the article must be followed by 3 to 6 Keywords.
5. The body of the article/paper:
Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12; Alignment: Justified; and Line Spacing: 1.5
6. Tables, figures and charts, if any, should feature at the end of the article just ahead of works cited, which should be the last part of the article .
7. Length of the article should be between 5 to 12 pages, inclusive of works cited.
8. No other scripts (font) than English be used anywhere in the article. Do transliterate and translate the quotations from languages other than English.
9. Articles must be free from grammatical / typographical / citation errors. Articles found with too many errors will be rejected, summarily.
10. Articles should be submitted through the online submission page of the website only. A passport size photo (with 100 pixel X 136 pixel resolution) of the author and co-author, if any, should be uploaded along with an article and institutional affiliation details. Articles should be Microsoft Word Documents with .doc or .docx extension.
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Progressive Publishers is a novice publishing enterprise located at Tranquebar, Tamilnadu, India. It primarily publishes university text-books for efficient English language learning and an online scholarly journal entitled Literary Quest. Its primary goal is to promote progressive, secular, socialist and egalitarian thoughts among academicians, researchers and students of English literature. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Social Justice are the ideals upon which the whole enterprise rests.