Open Access Policy
Literary Quest offers free online open access to its published research articles and other allied contents to those who are involved in research, teaching and study to promote greater, wider and quicker sharing of knowledge and ideas than the traditional print journals. The full-text of the articles can be downloaded, printed, circulated, shared, quoted and cited without any restrictions or prior permissions, which implies that the article published in the open access online journal would be read across the world. However, the articles cannot be republished in any form without the consent of the respective author(s) as the copyright of the articles published in Literary Quest, thereafter rests with the author(s). Literary Quest strictly adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative, which states that:
"There are many degrees and kinds of wider and easier access to this literature. By 'open access' to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited." (Budapest)
Peer Review Process / Terms & Conditions
At the outset, all articles will undergo a preliminary screening process. The articles, which fail to fulfill the basic standards will be rejected at the preliminary screening stage and the author will be communicated of the decision, promptly. Those articles which are selected provisionally by the editor-in-chief in the preliminary screening process will be sent for peer reviewing to any two reviewers on the board of editors/reviewers.Literary Quest follows a strict double-blind peer review process of the submitted articles, which conceals the identity of both the reviewers and the authors from each other.
If an article is rejected by any one of the two reviewers, then it will be sent to a third reviewer. The decision of the third reviewer would seal the destiny of an article. If an article is rejected by the two reviewers in the peer reviewing stage, then the decision would be formally communicated to the author, and the article would never find its place in the journal. If a reviewer recommends any modification in an article, then profound care would be taken to ensure the execution of the same before publishing the article. At every stage, an author would be communicated of the status of his/her article along with the views/recommendations of the reviewers, if any.
The editors reserve the right to delete and/or alter the title/content or any part of an article as they deem it fit for publication without intimating to the author(s).
Green Policy
Literary Quest cares about the environment and the future of the earth. As part of our commitment to "green publishing", Literary Quest has taken a bold eco-friendly initiative of online publishing to cut down on our carbon footprint. By saying "no" to paper, Literary Quest saves the life of a tree, every time it Publishes.
Publication Policy
Literary Quest will never, in any case, publish articles endorsing fundamentalism, while valuing freedom of thought, speech and expression. Literary Quest promotes and endorses egalitarianism in all spheres of life.
Copyright Policy
By submitting an article or a research paper to Literary Quest, it is implied that its author(s) automatically transfers his/her/their copyright to Progressive Publishers to publish the article/research paper once in any one of the issues of Literary Quest.
Plagiarism Policy
In the event of plagiarism, author(s) alone is/ are liable to legal actions for their misdeeds. Literary Quest can never be held responsible for the misdeeds of an author. Literary Quest never endorses plagiarism and condemns the same as an academic plague.
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Refund Policy
After the acceptance of the article/paper, its first author will be communicated to pay the Article Processing Fee. Any payment made before the acceptance of the article will be treated as erroneous payment and it will be refunded in the same mode. The payment made after the acceptance of the article/paper will not be refunded.
The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal are entirely those of the respective author(s)' and they in no way reflect the opinions of the editors. Authors submitting their work for publication in Literary Quest are responsible for getting permission for copyrighted material they use in their articles. Literary Quest can never be held responsible for any infringement of copyright laws for the contents published in its website.
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Progressive Publishers is a novice publishing enterprise located at Tranquebar, Tamilnadu, India. It primarily publishes university text-books for efficient English language learning and an online scholarly journal entitled Literary Quest. Its primary goal is to promote progressive, secular, socialist and egalitarian thoughts among academicians, researchers and students of English literature. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Social Justice are the ideals upon which the whole enterprise rests.