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Volume 2 Issue 8

January 2016

The Reflection of Self-realization in the Major Dramatic Works of Arthur Miller in the Light of Aristotelian Definition of Anagnorisis
Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma, 
Assistant Professor, 
Department of English, 
Seth G.B. Podar College, Nawalgarh, 
Sikar, , 
The purpose of this study is to examine three of Arthur Miller’s plays to observe how he has handled the aspect of self-realization and how he has actually expanded the concept to include a greater social awareness on the part of his central characters. Self-realization is a dramaturgical term that has been derived from anagnorisis, which Aristotle used in his Poetics to describe one of the Characteristics of Greek tragedies. In modern usage anagnorisis has become more or less synonymous with self-realization, but in its earlier restricted sense as used by Aristotle, it meant simply disclosure, discovery, or recognition. In Arthur Miller’s canon, truth, guilt, and complicity are virtues when they are comprehended, and recognition of them is often part of character’s process of self-realization. Self-realization is an exemplary process in which Miller’s audiences are didactically instructed about the dangers of certain private sins as well as their social obligation. Dramaturgically, the term self-realization in Miller’s work has been enlarged to include not only an awareness of personal flaws and foibles but also man’s obligation to society.
Self-Realization; Tragedy; Social Evils; Identity Crisis.
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