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Volume 2 Issue 9

April 2016

Living at the Edges: The Pangs of Bhakti in Arun Kolatkar’s Poetry
Dr. Hari M G, 
Assistant Professor, 
Department of English, 
Amrita University, 
Coimbatore, , 
Among the many literary traditions that shaped literary milieu of modern Indian English Poetry, Bhakti tradition has been the most influential. It is secular literary legacy that survives in the best voices of modern Indian English Poetry. Of all the modern Indian English Poets who came under the sway of Bhakti, it is, arguably, Arun Kolatkar, who assimilated the sensibility of the saint-poets the most. This paper tries to bring out the emotional spectrum that can be mapped in Kolatkar’s poetry which invariably evokes the pangs and ecstasy of Bhakti.
Arun Kolatkar; Bhakti; Pangs; Ecstasy.
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