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Volume 2 Issue 9

April 2016

Lyrical Pathos of the Mutiny: 1857 in Folksongs
Ms. Farah Afrin, 
Department of English and Modern European Languages, 
Lucknow University, 
Lucknow, , 
Words, words and words only can define the pathos and turmoil within. Bygone era could not be returned back, but its pathos could only be captured by these lexes intertwined in a strange combination and that too in folksongs. 1857 was the year on the historical canvas which captured this ethos and pain that was so difficult to obliterate from the mind. So, these words and lines crafted by the expert moulder of the lexes started becoming visible on the pages of the historical records. 1857 was the year, when the whole of India got united against the whites. They wanted to break the fetters and live a free life of their own and in their own country. They were called as rebels, because they rebelled against might of a supreme empire. They rebelled against an empire, which was supreme in power in comparison to them. This was an abortive rebellion, but the spirit it ignited flickered through the millennium and it gave them the strength that was later revealed in the freedom struggle. My paper is an attempt to read the events related to the mutiny of 1857 as expressed in the folksongs.
Mutiny; Folksongs; Rebels; Fetters; Whites.
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