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Volume 2 Issue 12

December 2016

Like a Snowflake — Possible Stories in the Novels of Orhan Pamuk
Ms. Rijuta Komal Das, 
Department of Indian and World Literature, 
The English and Foreign Languages University, 
Hyderabad, , 
The word narrative as discovered from its etymological roots means either ‘knowing’ or ‘skilled’. It is the contemporary form of the ancient traditions of storytelling. David Herman in his Basic Elements of Narrative, describes the narrative as the fundamental human need for understanding the world. He defines it as “a basic human strategy for coming to terms with time, process, and change” (2). The word ‘story’ in the contemporary context assumes many forms. In literary studies it assumes the role of ‘just another story’. The aim of this paper is to examine the nature of ‘possible stories’ and how it can be applied to the works of Orhan Pamuk. The concept of ‘possible stories’ arises from this essential human drive to — as Herman calls it — storying the world. Narratives have an ancient tradition of not just entertainment but also preservation. The concept of Indigenous storytelling speaks of primitive need to transmit acts of memory from one generation to the next. By analysing the different conceptual figurations of ‘possible stories’ this thesis will examine the multi-layers of meaning making and hereditary communicative acts that abound in the works of Orhan Pamuk. It will analyse the different artistic mediums through which the stories — fictional, mythical, historical and autobiographical are expressed. Through this analysis, it will explore the evolution of the art of storytelling. Finally, it will generate an inter-art and inter-medial approach for and through the works of Orhan Pamuk.
Possible Stories; Narrative; Orhan Pamuk.
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